A small update on Scala Hamsters
I’ve just published Hamsters 1.0.7, with a few new features.
Now you can automatically catch exceptions into a KO object :
import io.github.hamsters.Validation._
def compute(x: Int):Int = 2/x
fromCatchable(compute(1)) //OK(2)
fromCatchable(compute(0)) //KO("/ by zero")
fromCatchable(compute(0), (t: Throwable) => t.getClass.getSimpleName) //KO("ArithmeticException")
To see how to use the OK/KO monad and Validation helpers, see the Readme file.
Another new feature allows to ask for a specifc type and retrieve an option on an Union type :
import io.github.hamsters.{Union3, Union3Type}
//json element can contain a String, a Int or a Double
val jsonUnion = new Union3Type[String, Int, Double]
import jsonUnion._
def jsonElement(x: Int): Union3[String, Int, Double] = {
if(x == 0) "0"
else if (x % 2 == 0) 1
else 2.0
jsonElement(0).get[String] // Some("0")
jsonElement(1).getOrElse("not found") // get String value or "not found" if get[String] is undefined